Jobatry uses unique Real-Time Job Matching technology. This means that you no longer have to use antiquated keyword search to find a job. You simply enter your skills and preferences, find perfectly matching jobs, explore career opportunities all the while remaining anonymous. In addition, Jobatryis based on a network of thousands of partner firms from a variety of locations and industries. This means that you will receive a great variety of job matches from the locations and occupations of your choice.

Jobatry is using three elements to create a job match: your skills, your job preferences and the job requirements. To get the best result you need to add as many details to your profile and refine your preferences until you get exactly the type of jobs that you want and qualify for. Skills and preferences can be added in the Your Resume. Every time you apply to a job the system will ask you about missing skills and allow you to add them to your profile to improve your matching. Since candidates are graded according to how well they qualify for the job, then candidates with more skills and employment history are more likely to be noticed by employers.

While job posting is free on this site, employers pay to view your resume and contact you. An employer is not likely to open your profile and contact you if there is no full information in your resume.

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