Tips for Creating a Video Resume

Creating a video resume is an optional task for job seekers (very rarely will companies require or request a video resume from candidates). For some job seekers, particularly ones in visual or creative fields, a video resume can highlight important skills.

For instance, a video resume is useful for showing any type of performance-based work, whether it involves acting on stage, teaching a class, or presenting quality presentation.

Also, a video resume can be a good way to show off your personality; for people in client-facing jobs, whose work involves charming prospective buyers, a video resume may be beneficial.

If you're considering creating a video resume as part of your job search, keep these tips in mind:

Dress as you would for an interview, and maintain a professional demeanor. Avoid slang and, of course, cursing. Pay attention, too, to the background of shots, and make sure it looks tidy. Also make sure there are no distracting noises in the background.

Don't ad lib your video completely. You want to seem natural and off-the-cuff, but should have a sense of what you want to say, and how you want to phrase it. Do not read directly from a script, or from your resume, since that leads to a dull video. The main points to express in the video are what you'll provide the company, and your major goals, skills, and accomplishments. Think of the video as being a pitch for why the company should hire you.

As you plan your script and filming location, consider who will watch the video, and calibrate accordingly. A video prepared for a position at a bank might differ from a video prepared for a start-up.

Use visuals to illustrate what you're saying in the video script and showcase your talents and skills. For instance, if you're applying for a job where presentations are a major part of the role, you can film yourself assembling a PowerPoint. Or, if any of your presentations were recorded, use that footage in your video resume.

Videos should be between 30 to 90 seconds. Anything longer than that is unlikely to be watched.